200-400 UAH
Kyiv Music Fest–2024 Closing Concert
05 October 2024

Kyiv Music Fest–2024 Closing Concert

Tickets selling was stopped
But you can see the other events in category «Recomended»
200-400 UAH

Національна філармонія України
Володимирський узвіз, 2

About the show

Kyiv Music Fest–2024
Closing Concert
The National  Academic Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
Volodymyr SIRENKO Artistic Director and Chief Conductor
Platon Maiboroda Academic Choir of the Ukrainian Radio
Yuliia TKACH Artistic Director and Chief Conductor
Viktor PLOSKINA Conductor
Nazarii PYLATIUK Violin
Natalia POLOVYNKA Vocal
Tamara KHODAKOVA Soprano
Vladyslav FOMINYKH Bass
Roman HRYNKIV Bandura
Ivan Karabyts: Concerto No. 1 'Musical Gift to Kyiv'
Victor Stepurko: Symphonic Drama No. 8  'People’s'
Yevhen Stankovych: Symphonic Poem 'Dnipro'
Bohdana Froliak: Gloria in excelsis Deo for violin, voice and symphony orchestra
Oleh Bezborodko: Patriotic Songs ('A Song about Kyiv', 'Save  the Dream' ) for soloists, mixed choir and orchestra
Lyrics by Paul THORSON
Translated into Ukrainian by Viacheslav ILLIN
Program hosted by Svitlana KORETSKA